Mount Etna, February 18 Eruption

On February 18, Mount Etna erupted, only 36 days after its previous one. Both prior to, and after the eruption, there were a series of mild earthquakes, which is not unusual for the area. An updated version of the seismic activity in Sicily can be found here, with options for 7, 15, and 30 days prior to the current day.

The eruption itself came from the SE crater, just as in January of this year. The activity can be classified as Strombolian, with pulsating lava fountains, and light ash fall. It lasted for 11 hours, though much of the eruption was obscured by cloud cover. This can be seen by contrasting photos from this eruption and the January eruption.

The above photo of the February 18 eruption can be found here.

In contrast, this photo of the January 11-12 eruption allows for a clear view of the lava flow. It can be found here.

By Khia Johnson, 2/28/11

2 Responses to “Mount Etna, February 18 Eruption”

  1. Alan Bates Says:

    Hi Khia

    Another post, I see! Excellent!
    Clearly, you have sorted out the mechanics of putting up a post.

    Mt Etna. Always a “safe” choice because there is always something happening. Always good material, easily available.

    Have you thought about having a go with something a bit less “safe”? A less-well-known volcano? Or undersea volcanoes? [What (if anything) is happening now around the Tonga area?] Would seamounts be allowed within the house rules? If so, just google seamounts and on the first page alone there are some excellent hits. I’ll leave you to do your own research …

    Looking forward to more!

  2. A good summary of what happened.

    However, some more accuracy is needed: the eruption was in fact from a side vent on the Eastern slope of the Etna SE crater, a vent which has been the site of all the recent events. You should also differentiate between volcanic EQs/tremors and purely tectonic seismicity; tectonic earthquakes do not usually affect volcanic events.

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